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The Procurement and Contracts Office is the central purchasing authority for CSUDH, as authorized by the CSU Board of Trustees and the Campus President.
Policy Overview, Department Processing Instructions, Approvals, Workflow & more.
About the P-card program, Benefits, Delegation of Authority, Responsibilities & more.
Student Affiliation Agreements, Student Learning, Student Teaching, Student Insurance.
Procurement and Contracts serves and supports the overall mission and goals of the university by employing best practices for a variety of goods and services responsive to the needs of our faculty, staff, and students. We provide cost-effective, best value purchasing services and high quality customer services in a courteous and professional manner. Through consistent application of state, CSU, and campus policies, we ensure appropriate stewardship of public funds and are committed to the continued growth and development of CSUDH.
Procurement and Contracts subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the CSU Office of the Chancellor, Contract Services, and Procurement. Since public employment is a public trust, all purchasing decisions are made in accordance with the policies set forth in the Integrated CSU Administrative Manual (ICSUAM) Section 5000 for Contracting and Procurement, CSUDH procedures and guidelines, and the laws of the State of California.
Procurement and Contracts is the only department authorized by written delegation from the President to purchase goods and services and authorize and execute contracts on behalf of the University. Individuals entering into unauthorized commitments of state funds do so at their own risk and may be held personally liable for the obligation.
Department personnel have limited scope authority under two campus programs:
Other Services: Credit Card Administration, Construction (Major/Minor Capital Outlay Projects), Teaching, Nursing, Hospital, and Clinical Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, Interagency Agreements, Auxiliary Operating Agreements, Leases, Facility Use Licenses, Small Business and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Compliance, CSURMA (insurance) Compliance, Annual Reporting, Vendor Management.
Responsibilities, Financial Departments, Insurance, Delegations, Requisitions, & more.
A tool for CSUDH employees to enter requisitions directly into CFS (Common Financial System).
1000 E. Victoria Street
Welch Hall (4th Floor) B-485
Carson, CA 90747
(310) 243-3799