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Telos: The Journal of Philosophy at CSUDH
Do you have an essay on a philosophical topic that you would like to share with the CSUDH community? The Philosophy Department at CSUDH, in conjunction with the Philosophy Club, is asking students to submit essays to the upcoming issue of Telos: The Journal of Philosophy at CSUDH. The journal will be published at the end of spring semester 2025.
Submission deadline is Monday, April 7, 2025 at 5:00 PM.
Please email submissions to For more information, please email
• You must be a current student at CSUDH (or have graduated within the last year).
• Essays should be 5-15 pages in length.
• Essay topics must relate to the history of philosophy and/or contemporary philosophers or philosophical issues, including, but not limited, to ethics, politics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion.
• Student essays should be submitted in blind review format.
How to submit your manuscript for anonymous blind review format:
1) To ensure that article submission reviewers do not know your identity (as author[s] of the manuscript being reviewed), you will need to make sure that you remove any information in your manuscript (including footnotes and acknowledgements) that could identify you, and disguise all references to personally identifiable information.
2) Since essays should be submitted via an email attachment, you should send two separate files, one with the author details, and one without.
3) Do not add any running headers or footers that would identify yourself.
4) Check that all identifiers have been removed from electronic files, for example, documents prepared using Microsoft™ Word®. Personal or hidden information is stored in File Properties. These properties include Author, Manager, Company, and Last Saved By. Hidden information includes hidden text, revised text, comments, or field codes, and these can remain in a document even though you can’t see them. If you entered your name or email address when you registered your software, this will be stored as part of the document. Information contained in custom fields that you add to the document, such as an ‘author’ or ‘owner’ field, is not automatically removed. You must edit or remove the custom field to remove that information. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Security tab. Select the Remove personal information from File properties on Save check box. Do not add any running headers or footers that would identify the author.
The CSUDH Philosophy Department would like to congratulate our distinguished alumnus, Rex Richardson, on his recent election as the 29th Mayor of Long Beach! Visit the City of Long Beach's website to learn more about Mayor Richardson